Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Planning Ahead

Is not necessarily my best point, but we came home from our town trip yesterday to a full crockpot of beans, a rice cooker full of brown rice and the bread machine just beeping to say the gluten free bread was ready, so some things about yesterday were good. Some things were not so good. Like that Missy went to town in her pajamas, was not allowed out of the car once, and wasn't allowed to talk the whole trip. No, she didn't make it to speech therapy, but she didn't keep anyone else from missing appointments. I had had it. I was stern and mean. If she couldn't talk nice and respectful she couldn't talk at all. If she couldn't make her bed or do her morning routine without a tantrum I wasn't going to help her get ready at the last second. No one else was going to suffer for her nonsense. She spent the rest of the day doing quiet stuff in her room. I was pretty cut and dry with Buster, too. He came close to a tantrum over putting his pajamas on again, but I let him know he would be very sorry if he did. Vanessa took both kids  for a vigorous walk later and I went grocery shopping.

This morning Buster was anxious to show me a picture he had made for me. It says I LF U on it. Very sweet. I am reminded that they do want to love and be loved. I'm praying for better attitudes today.


Anonymous said...

Hey Angie, I am thinking of you and pray that you will receive a fresh dose of courage and energy to keep on working hopefully and cheerfully - I'm still trying to get that one down myself. Love you all, Antionette

Anonymous said...

You're doing a great job, Ange. "That which you look upon as disaster, is the door to highest benefits." MB 62:2 Dad