Friday, December 9, 2011

Yikes! We Have Work to DO!

I was told that Missy bombed a certain section of the verbal IQ test where they ask scenario questions and she has to tell them what she would do. She had no words for them.

I thought, hmmmm.... I aught to try that on James and see what his responses would be.  So, on the drive to school this morning I popped a question.

"James, pretend that you are in the house and it's on fire. What would you do?"

Without hesitation, "DIE!"

WHAT? !!!

After a dozen guided prompts he finally decided he could go outside. "Then what would you do?"

"The firefighters have to put the fire out."

"Oh, how would they know there is a fire?"

Hollering...."The HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!!"

"You mean you would just yell that over the valley? Would they hear?"


"No, James, someone has to tell them. How would you tell them? You can't just yell. Where would you go to get help?"

"Go to the firefighter's house."

"No, James, you don't know the firefighters. You have to be quick, where would you go and what would you use to tell them?" (while holding a pretend phone to my ear.)

"Call them on the cell phone."

"Oh, but my cell phone is in the house. We can't go in there, where can we go?"

No clue.

I then told him to run to the neighbors and ask them to call, or borrow the phone. "What number would you call?"

"119".... lol. Well, someone has tried this before.....

Hmmmm..... we sure have a lot of work to do. Common sense is not so common anymore, I take it.


C Dawn's bucket said...

I find this post really interesting as I was just talking with my sons' therapist about the need to do something like this. We decided to make a game with different scenarios on a bunch of cards and help them to learn via modeling our responses as well as giving them lots of practice thinking about "what if's"

It seems that the ability to do this is connected with EQ and development...something that we started with was simple sequencing pictures (can be bought from speech catalogs or made) giving 3 steps and having the boys order those and then eventually extrapolate what would be next or first or in the middle...



Laurel said...

Love the ... "common sense is not so common around here". Sounds a lot like our house.

Laurel :)