Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Boredom has set in BIG time with the twins.

We sang at the nursing home this morning and then we cleaned up the straw on the carpet at the church from the Christmas program. The girls left to help an elderly couple for a few hours of Christmas decorating and cleaning and after that they went shopping for the Angel Tree families..... so the twins had to figure out what to do with themselves all afternoon.


Since they couldn't figure out what to do, I gave them things to do, but nothing interested them and they'd put the activity away before I even knew they had gotten it out.

You would think that biking in the sunshine was torture, that building with legos was impossible, picture books are pictureless, remote control trains are monotonous, food  tasteless....

We just may be doing school work tomorrow. Or raking leaves.

But that's the other thing. They don't want to play... but they don't want to work, either.

And they cried when it was time for bed.

It's going to be a long holiday, me thinks. They aren't being naughty...just bored.

1 comment:

GB's Mom said...

Hope is always bored. Love your header!