Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Not used to giving baths, washing other people's hair, changing diapers, doing all the dishes, all the laundry, cooking, baking, vacuuming the whole house and answering 50 million questions, vising the rabbits several times, watching someone ride their bike 50 times, putting on a bike helmet 100 times and tying shoes as often, preparing for a State social worker visit, having a social worker visit, entertaining 100% of the time ALL. BY. MY. SELF! The girls hitched a ride to their music lesson and classes with Cindy. I was glad to see them come home to help me this evening and give me a few minutes break. I haven't worked so hard since the girls were little. I actually could not sleep last night due to a crazy tickle in my throat, and a new little sleep talker in the next room and plain old insomnia, so I'm feeling it!

The girls are now introducing the tw*ns to the zip line. *rolling eyes* I hope the kiddos don't expect me to give them zip line rides all day tomorrow . LOL! One can hear the giggling from a mile away. The kids also climbed to the top of our mountain. It doesn't faze them in the least. Brianna says, "They are perfect kids for dad". ~He's all about hiking and climbing mountains. The first gift he ever wanted to buy them was hiking boots. (I vetoed that!)

The kids have missed dad being at work all day. He called at lunch to see how they were and Little Girl talked to him on the phone. She jabbered away to him. Afterward It was "daddy this, and daddy that. And going to tuck me in 'night and not go work 'morrow!"

All in all, it was a good second day and doubt if there will be any insomnia tonight!

1 comment:

Adeye said...

Beautiful....absolutely beautiful :)