Tuesday, March 30, 2010

For the Record

This is not going to be a good post to read... it's just for the record.

The bowel issues have not made as good of progress in moving things along as I had thought. About 96 hours ago Little Miss ate something that is just coming through now. That's means there are 11 -12 full meals on top of that.
This child EATS!

Can you spell U-N-C-O-M-F-O-R-T-A-B-L-E?

I bought a mini-potty - and I mean mini.
Did you know they don't make training potties for 6 year olds?
Truly, I purchased the biggest one I could find.

I bought it because every time we go out to work in
the gardens and at the barn
we have trouble getting back up to the house
in time to use the ceramic bowl.
Well, okay, if we are standing by the bathroom door
we still have trouble making it to the toilet,
running up the hill to the house from the lower garden
and making it in time is completely out of the question.
I won't be guilty of giving them an excuse.

She thinks it's cute.
He thinks I'm nuts.

Have I mentioned how good my girls are about helping with the potty training?
They are Fabulous!!!
Couldn't do it without them!

The favorite new game around here is bean bag toss calling out the alphabet.
Every time the bean bag hits the floor we have to start all over again.
This is great for eye-hand coordination,
cementing the alphabet in their minds,
and for entertainment.

I'm already sick of time-out. I have NEVER been a fan of time-out but it's nearly the only tool allowed foster parents...
Today we changed things up a bit.
I told the kiddos instead of time-out we would find a little chore to do.
They are quite happy with that.
They do it with a smile and I'm teaching them to do useful things.
It is actually working better than fussing on a chair.
Little Man has learned how to clean a toilet thoroughly.
He's also learning how to use a broom in the garage
and how to run the dryer, and empty the lint, and measure the laundry soap.
Little Missy is learning to sort laundry colors and wash dishes.
I'm actually getting something done around here, now.
It's way more productive than me making sure they stay in their chair
and it's a great distraction - which is what they need right now.

The last bit is a brag about Little Missy.
We shoveled manure and mulch for several hours the other day
and I needed to call my husband
but I didn't want to quit working, so I ask Little Girl if she could do a very, very BIG job for me.
I asked her to run all the way to the house,
then get on her hands and knees and crawl down the hall to my room
and then unplug my cell phone, get back on her hands and knees and crawl back to the door
and run the phone to me.

And I know she followed every detail of the instructions
because if she had not
there would have been very muddy telltale footprints all down the hall
and there were none.
She couldn't untie her hiking boots and put them back on to walk down in her socks.
Risky business, eh!

I'm now using that story to remind her that
she CAN do what mommy asks.
It works wonders for motivating her to do other simpler things.


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't feel bad about having a little potty chair. I still keep one in our sub. because twinE has such a small bladder, she has to go ALL THE TIME! The doctor thinks it has something to do with the Spinabifida that she was "suppose" to be born with. The Lord healed her and she was born with a gorgeous scar! I love that scar. The doctors were speechless when they were born. They didn't know what to say except, "Isn't that amazing?" Anyway, I am sure you know the story! Keep up the good work. I am praying for you friend!!

Kelly said...

You're a great mom and an inspiration to me. :)

stellarparenting.com said...

Way to go little Missy, I have an 8 year old who could not follow that many directions! and yippee for your girls who are supporting their new sibs so well.