Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One Thousand Posts

This is it! 
The one thousandth post!
My, but I sure talk a lot!

Praying my reasons for writing diminish
as the children continue to settle more fully into our family.
How Far We have COME!

 If you look real close you will see that
Clickety-Clack and Nina
have a right to be proud.

There are 11 and they are a week old tomorrow.
The pond is a busy place, now.
at one day old
 Enjoying the babies. (Missy has CALMED right down, by the way! We are all breathing easier!)
 the ducklings at 5 days old

They sure add variety and interest to our lives.
So thankful God gave us this lovely piece of earth to call home.
Waiting for the arrival of his own brood.


Betsy said...

So cute! Are those domestic Mallards?
We love duck, too, but I'm thinking we have plenty, so we don't plan on letting them nest this year. The food gets very expensive, and we've had a lot of trouble with predators. Just this morning an Eagle dove down over the ducks, but, thankfully, found all the bird netting not worth dealing with.
I'm with James on the geese, though. They're a little to bold fro my taste.

Betsy said...

Also, congratulations on your 1000th post!
I know you can already see how far the kids have come, but years down the road it will be so affirming to see what God brought you all through because you answered yes when He called.