Monday, February 21, 2011

Run Buster, Run!

He surprised me, actually. He ran the length of Flowery Lane this morning.... mind you, he did it screaming his head off while I ran with my hand on his back. It's great entertainment for the neighborhood, I'm sure.

I had to drive Steve to work so I could have the car because some friends needed me to babysit for them as their little baby girl has been in the hospital all week long. We left at 6:30 before the twins were awake, but by the time I got home Buster was giving Christina grief over nothing. I came in and gave him a time-out, but he proceeded to howl and kick the furniture. I decided he needed to work off the nasties. He wasn't too impressed with my idea of running it off, but the day is gorgeous and I needed something to stop the downward spiral.

I told him we would turn around and return home when the screaming was ended. He decided to ratchet it up a couple notches and I took that to mean he was excited to go a long way.  Near the end of the road, Tank, the big golden we are babysitting decided to visit the little Australian Shepherd tied to the clothesline by one of the farm houses. Golden retriever or no, the big brute is alpha dog. Buster and I had to stop running and end the fight...and lo and behold, Buster forgot to cry after that. He raced me to the stop sign and then practically ran all the way home.  Really, that surprised me!

When we were almost home Buster says, "I love you mom!"
I love you too, kiddo, but because I love you I have to be firm with you. Do you feel better now?
Anytime you feel crabby we can run the length of the road. Do you remember when you were younger and all you did was scream and fuss? Do you remember how I had to be so firm with you all the time?
Do you want to be like that - screaming and fussing and being unhappy all the time?
So, I have to be firm with you so that you are not unhappy. You want me to be firm, don't you?
Yes. I don't want to scream anymore. I don't want to be naughty anymore. I sorry I fuss at you and not obey.
Good. Well, you really can run, you know! You are getting quite strong.

So, instead of saving up my energy for cleaning up this big ol house before Brianna and my folks arrive this evening, I ran . It felt good, but I'm old and we'll see if this house cleans itself up or not.

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