Thursday, February 17, 2011

Loving Spring

It's early and might just be here on a visit, but it's lovely. The last few days Christina and I have been burning brush, raking and cleaning up the flower beds.One evening we baked potatoes in the coals of our burn pile. Our fire was rip roaring hot so I pulled coals out just for the potatoes and even then some of the potatoes  were a little over done. It was soooooo exciting for Missy! She was so happy to carry our bucket of foil wrapped potatoes up to the house for supper.

We completely cleaned out the front flower bed. Under all the dead stuff are irises and tulips peeking through the soil.The grass kind of got away on us last summer. That year will ever be the "summer of the twins"... yard work suffered greatly, but hey, last year at this time the twins were pooping in their pants every few minutes and this year they wouldn't think of such a thing. Maybe things will be prettier around the house as well as more pleasant smelling.

If I can shake the weakness this migraine is giving me we'll plant some of  the onion sets this afternoon. Seems crazy early, but we've had a month of nice weather and even if the cold returns it won't hurt the onions.

The ducks are good company when we work outdoors. Turn the hose on and they'll sit by us and dabble in the water for hours. Otherwise they are on the hunt for grubs and bugs happy to be free to roam. They fly in big circles and land on the pond and put on a big splashing show. Christina has done a good job of keeping them socialized while Brianna has been gone. She's discovered they love their necks rubbed.

ps.200 onion bulbs planted :-)

1 comment:

Mission Pilot said...

so what happened to "seven years old"?
