Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dreaming Gardens

Apparently Buster didn't need to go running this morning which was probably a good thing since it was snowing, windy and cold today. Brrrrr.... I think winter is back! Yuck.

The twins spent a surprising amount of time playing with the dollhouse together as well as playing with the legos and the new tether ball. I am in shock and awe. I can't believe it.

Mom and I spent a lot of time looking at seed catalogs and looking up gardening information online. I really want to build a greenhouse. Mom has a lot of experience with a lot of different kinds so I was picking her brains. We had heard that you can't use pvc pipe with greenhouse plastic but mom called someone with experience and we did some research. It should be just fine here. If we are concerned the suggestion is to give the pvc a coat of paint. I'm kind of thinking of a hoop house with roll up sides. We had them when we lived in Lesotho. They were super duper, only my memory is so foggy, that I have to question mom as to what they were really like. I lived in Lesotho 20 years ago and it seems her memory is way better than mine....

Another thing I am really getting interested in doing is growing mircro-greens.  I bought a great book and ordered several seed catalogs. We grow sprouts off and on, but growing micro-greens is taking it a step further. We recently watched Food, Inc. It really truly causes one to think about the stuff we eat. We've always been health conscious  vegetarians following the 8 laws of health to the best of our ability, but we can always learn more and do more and experiment towards better health in this world where everyone is dying of cancer or other disease.

Brianna and I are also interested in growing a market garden of tomatoes. A guy down the road had a beautiful market tomato and corn patch for many years and last year he quit. I'm not sure if I have as big a patch as he does, but we're gonna give it a shot.

We have a large triangle of land we have not ever used for anything. It's time to put it to use. Years ago it was a pig pen which totally fit into the prayer the girls prayed before we moved here from California. Dear Jesus, please help us to find a home in the country with a little red barn, a pond and NO pigs. Amen. ~~~~~ The Lord provided the very place we live in with the smallest, little red barn and tiny pond, and a pig pen with no pigs. The Lord is interested in the details of children's prayers. We've lived here 9 years.

Brianna brought home a set of DVDs on organic gardening from Eden Valley and I already started watching them.

Steve finally made it to the witness stand. This whole court case thing is going on 2 years... Hopefully his part is over. He said the hardest part was identifying the defendant. How do you recognize someone you saw two years ago at the scene of an accident strapped to a backboard and drunk?  Christina and Brianna watched the proceedings.


~marci~ said...

I bet the ground is good garden soil where the pig pen was! LOL!

My Strength and Song said...

Tomatoes! My absolute favorite open pollinated tomato is "Delicious". It is mid-large but round and very smooth middle with small chambers for the seeds. My favorite long keeping tomato is Burpee's long keeper. Very nice size and round. Keeps into Jan-Feb. Ripens late here. Have fun. Been trying to conceive of a good green house where there can be 60+ mph winds occasionally in the spring or summer. Any ideas would be appreciated. Can't do pvc/plastic, it would blow away.

acceptance with joy said...

thanks Cherie,
Will look for those tomato seeds. Appreciate any and all tips...

Do I have a suggestion of greenhouse that won't blow away.... Most definitely... You'll need to be brave and go scrounging. Did you check out the link to see the pics of Bri's??
