Sunday, December 19, 2010

Church on Time

I can say we were at church on time.

I can't say we were all smiling and happy . . .

Some people, with all their dawdling,   ran out of time for breakfast. One kiddo was put in the car with her dress on backwards, one boy had no shoes on. This particular boy also had serious issues (control issues) with zippers and buttons. I wouldn't let him go up front for the children's story with his pants undone. . . and suddenly he knew how to do them up, but for good measure he had a crying fit after he buttoned up and he missed the story altogether.

Okay, so the goal this week is to get to church on time HAPPY!

That would include me. I was frustrated to no end with all the games calculated to make the family late. I was discouraged with all the crying and carrying on. I left the house for a walk... but it was too cold in my church clothes to go far, so I had to come home and listen to the nonsense.

Later the girls and I went to a Russian Christmas concert at the church. Missy wanted to go, but I was like, NOPE. Maybe if you would have been happy today I would have taken you. As it turned out, the music was gorgeous but I was SOOOO exhausted I could not enjoy. Found a corner to lay down and fell asleep immediately.

I'm still tired. 


Mama in Uganda said...

Sorry my friend.

I feel your exhaustion.

I have a post from the Lord that I still plan to share--maybe after Christmas.

I have a feeling it will speak to you.


Anonymous said...

Thinking especially of you! xx A.