Saturday, December 11, 2010

Late for Church AGAIN!

It took me 3 hours and 8 minutes to get Buster ready for church. I'll spare you the details... the battles, the screaming. Every Sabbath is the same scenario. It isn't because he doesn't like church. He loves it. There is not a single motive I can pin on him for the trial EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK  except that he is incredibly successful at controlling if we get to church on time or not.

I declare war.

Every morning this coming week we are going to pretend we are going to church and I am going to time him and he will dress in church clothes - right down to the church shoes. He will do everything he has to do to prepare for going to church; EVERYTHING.

He also will make restitution to each family member this week for making them late again. We've lined up several jobs for him already.

I don't know what to do really. I've taken him to church in his pajamas before and had him sit in the car where he proceeded to pee multiple times in his car seat even though he could have told me he needed to use the potty. I was right there. I've hiked him some Sabbaths up to 7 hours. I've kept him home. I've done everything I know and he still makes us late or I don't get to go at all. I've had it. My whole focus is going to be getting ready for church this week.


Karen said...

I am sorry... it is a tough road. I brought Sarah to the orthodontist for her older sister.. in her PJ's and church shoes and marched her right through the waiting room... I told her that if anyone asked her if she was "sick" she should answer "no, I am just being stubborn today" She qas embarassed when someone DID ask her :) I think that she will soon find out that I am a mom of my word!

susieloulou said...

Sounds like you should go no matter what. Let everyone else take turns missing. Maybe it's making *you* miss somehow? Still amazed at your progress and general brilliant parenting, seriously!

Mama in Uganda said...

We had the SAME battle today with one of ours.

I read an amazing devotional this morning--when Jesus was asking the Lord to "take this cup from me. But not my will but your will be done."

May we carry our cups for the sake of the Lords will.


P.S. I love, love that you decided to keep Buster home--the Lord will indeed bless you for this self-less decision.

Anonymous said...

Hey Angie, Our neighbors had a similar problem and they told me they started fervently praying and interceding on Fridays, claiming promises and asking the Lord to cover that special day with His blood.... it made a big difference. I think the enemy has his special plans set for that special day. Love, A.

Anonymous said...

Hey Angie, Our neighbors had a similar problem and they told me they started fervently praying and interceding on Fridays, claiming promises and asking the Lord to cover that special day with His blood.... it made a big difference. I think the enemy has his special plans set for that special day. Love, A.