Monday, October 25, 2010

Why Do They DO THAT!!

Was looking through the box of paperwork and I came across an IEP (Individualized Education Program) done for Missy a couple weeks before she came to us. This is a much more indepth copy than the one given to me when we picked her up.

It includes an IQ Evaluation among a whole battery of other tests such as fine motor, gross motor, communication, adaptive behavioral, etc...


For a 6 year old who communicated in gestures, and one and two word answers?

Poor baby.

What kind of an IQ does a teacher have to have to figure out that a child who is extremely limited in language is going to score badly on an IQ test?  Are you surprised that her knowledge index scored higher than her verbal IQ? I wonder how she answered the questions. They noted that they had trouble understanding the words she did offer, but that the testing session was deemed appropriate and valid for obtaining an accurate representation of her intellectual functioning.

Brother! I hope they offer her a new chance to prove herself someday now that she can talk.


Kelly said...

Ridiculous. Shaking my head in disbelief.

Dee said...

She's blessed to have know and to see her God-given potential.

In his image we were made...that's what I keep telling my little one whenever he thinks he's not able to do always changes his outlook on his intelligence and his capabilities.