Thursday, October 21, 2010

Unbelieveable Day....

Really! It was awesome. No fussing. No whining. Not even a single pout over anything at all. There were no manipulation games, even..... just a LOT of chatting, usually both kids talking to me at the same time add  the poor articulation and my wandering mind  I haven't a clue what they've been both trying to tell me. I think they talk to just to hear themselves.

The weather has been perfect so we spent a lot of time in the garden. This is officially the  last ripe tomato picked from the garden. We picked green ones, too. I can't figure out it. Everybody else's garden is frozen, but my tomato plants act like it's mid summer. The weekend is suppose to bring in the cold weather, though, so I decided pick the last of the green beans and pull up the plants, dig up another section of leeks, finish digging the carrots and pick that last cucumbers. The twins did their share of carrying loads and other odd job, otherwise they collected earthworms. We pulled a lot of weeds thinking it would be nice to till the ground before the snow, but I don't know if it will happen. Our holding tank for the well water has some issues that might take Steve a month of Sundays to repair.

You'd think this was one of those tourist pumpkin patches. We have a LOT of  bright orange pumpkins all over the place. Not sure how that happened but I promise I did not plant them. We'll blame Brianna :-)

 Quack is the sole surviving chicken around here. He's the surprise chick that hatched in the ducks' nest.
He might be ugly,
but he sure is loved!!
He's very social and sometimes the kid put a story tape on for him
because he gets so lonely when no one is holding or playing with him that his cries drive us to distraction.
The story tapes make him think we are talking to him.

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