Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's a GOOD Morning!

I just want to thank everyone who has been praying. It's been the roughest three weeks since the potty training days.... We aren't probably over the hump, but we are enjoying a reprieve from the control battles.

Missy woke up angry and lying and controling first thing yesterday. I did not allow her out of her bed. I stayed right by her and prayed and read scripture promises and sang songs and continued praying for a couple hours. She was combative. She wanted her way and she wanted to be in charge. Over and over I gave her a chance to give her heart to Jesus and her answer was an emphatic "no" every time. She did not get close to me or join me in singing for the longest time. Slowly, slowly she crept closer and pretty soon her foot was on mine, pretty soon her hand was on my leg.... eventually her head was on my lap and she joined me in singing, "Into My Heart." I didn't know she knew the song, but the words were stored up somewhere in her mind and she sang the entire song with me... I capitalized on it and we sang it over and over! 

I have no doubt that this was spiritual warfare. Satan isn't giving up his subjects easily. He claims her and Jesus claims her and she has a choice to make. Eventually she realized breakfast was going on upstairs and she wasn't getting anywhere. She had softened enough that when I asked once more if she would give her heart to Jesus she said yes. Her demeanor changed, but I was skeptical!! LOL! I figured she was doing what I asked to get what she wanted. However, throughout the day I kept bringing her to the point of surrender to Jesus and she was pleasant all day.

Missy woke up cheery this morning and I again brought her to Jesus and asked her to give herself to Him today. We sang "Into My Heart" and she's off to a good start.

I'm praying and praying that today will continue positively while we are in town. I noticed that the past few days the more she regressed behaviorally, the worse she regressed on all the things we had been excited about her learning lately. She stopped speaking the long sentences and coming up with new words. She could not do her speech homework - probably mostly because everything I asked her to do she did wrong on purpose. I had to stop trying.  She also caught a cold and her articulation went downhill to the point I had to have her repeat nearly everything she tried to express because I could not understand her. I think it must take a lot of brain power to maintain that kind of a combative spirit. It's draining of all physical and emotional reserves.

Don't stop praying for us. We need God's power and love in our lives. There are moments when I fail and despair that I am not cut out for this huge job, but then I am reminded that God would not give me more than I am able. I just need to depend more on HIM.

1 comment:

:)De said...

It is spiritual warfare and we have to be suited up. Thank you for sharing. Your diligence encourages me.
