Friday, October 29, 2010

A Figment of My Imagination OR a Food Sensitivity?

I didn't know if I wanted to go into her room or not this morning to see what the day would bring. Missy still was not quite right last night. If I walk into her room with a big cheery good morning and she responds in kind or at least smiles and allows me to give her a hug - all will be well, but if I'm met with a scowl or a growl - watch out!

So far so good. She smiled, said good morning, and allowed me to hug her and talk and pray with her - even though she is a tad edgy.

SO I'm thinking what in the world sets her off??

It almost seems cyclical  - but I haven't found the pattern, yet.

*I know that if I keep her home and low key our success rate is higher than if we are busy and going places.
*I know a big disappointment can set her off.
*She's not feeling totally wonderful as she's fighting a cold.
*Could it be related to what she eats?

We eat fairly simple. We eat a lot of fruit and veggies and potatoes and beans, grains and some soy milk, but occasionally we eat at Taco Bell or wherever and I'm starting to wonder if her mood swings are related to being out and about / or is it related to eating differently when being out and about.

Wednesday evening I had to run into the grocery store. I had Buster in the car with me as well as Christina and Vanessa. He wanted to come in with me, but I find stores are overstimulating and it was evening and he was tired, and I hate Halloween, etc..., so I said no, and one of the girls stayed with him in the car. I asked him if there was something he would like special. He asked for bananas (pretty big considering he would not eat fruit when he first moved in) and he asked for a yogurt. I'll often buy the twins a little soy yogurt as a special treat or surprise and so I promised him I would.

I didn't know this particular store didn't carry soy yogurt so to keep my word I bought him and his sister a little tiny regular yogurt. We use no dairy at home so this is out of the ordinary. Somewhere in all the paperwork there was a note that Missy was allergic to dairy, but had "grown" out of that....(?) My hubby is allergic to dairy, too, but the most that happens when he does get it is some congestion and extra croaky voice.

Missy loved her yogurt. She also woke up as a "raging lion ready to kill and eat" anyone in her way. And so I've been thinking... and reading over the blog trying to come up with a time-line.

Oct 13 was a Wednesday where Missy flipped out over having to do buttons. - that would be day after Vanessa's birthday where we ate out to celebrate because of everybody's crazy schedule. Missy ate food with dairy in it. On the 15th and 16th we were on our trip to Children's and ate out - Taco Bell, Wendy's... She was a BEAR that whole trip!! The attitudes carried through and started to simmer down by Monday or Tuesday the 19th. We ate at home every day. Everything stayed fine until yesterday - the day after the yogurt.

I had cut my Tuesday-town-day in HALF, by asking Vanessa to finish up driving her sisters to their music lessons. This means I am home by lunch time and we don't have to grab a burrito in town. I thought cutting the town trip short was helping to eliminate Wednesday morning melt-downs, but maybe it's actually in the food we are eating for lunch that makes difference.

Am I crazy? Is this a figment of my imagination or could this be a REAL reaction to a food that makes her feel horrid and angry?

If  I'm heading in the right direction I'm going to have to get real organized about packing lunches...


Anonymous said...

Definitely not a figment of your imagination. Read "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics" by Dr. Kenneth Bock and "Is This Your Child?" by Dr. Doris Rapp.

Gina said...

I think it is totally possible and probably true. I know when I eat fast food, Taco Bell etc I feel like crap. Check out the link it talkes about behavior and food. Good luck, I hope you figure it out soon.

Hang in there.

Mamarazzi said...

my nephew reacts to dairy and anything with red dye...they both trigger his lack of impulse control and he acts out in anger and is easily frustrated. so you may be on to something. sounds like you are keeping track of what your little sweetie is eating and journaling her behavior, that's the first step...i know that since my sister took the red dye and all dairy out of my nephews diet he has done really well and has even been able to stay on task and concentrate better in school. he just turned 8 and he says, "can't eat it if its from a cow or had hot head red in it" if anyone offers him anything to eat...kinda funny, but its great that he understands how eating those things makes him feel.

ANYWAY...long comment for someone just visiting your blog or the first time.

i was just out blog jogging and came across your darling blog. we recently completed our requirements for foster adopt and are anxiously awaiting placement. soooo exciting!

i am going to add you to my reader so i can follow your story.

Difference2This1 said...

I ran across your blog from another a while back, but haven't had time to explore here much :) But, I did see this post and wanted to took us 3 1/2 years to figure this out, but our daughter goes crazy after ingesting dairy. Almost every system in her body gets out of whack..and she is violent, agressive, and depressed- in her sleep and while awake. 24-36 hrs it hits her- and I've learned from other parents, there is also a period of "withdrawel" later. We think she has something called "leaky gut" (you can search on those words). With this casein and/or gluten causes the body lots of grief in some people. Normal dr's don't know much about it and she doesn't test as allergic. But, she's a different girl when casein is not in her system. Blessings, Jennifer