Sunday, October 10, 2010

Singing in the Rain

We needed a day away with no appointments and no responsibilities so we skipped church and went for a long, long drive. The fall colors are in their prime out in the mountains. Most of the day was fine, but of course when we decided to hike and have our picnic it started to rain. Raincoats are blessing!!
Yeah for Daddy being able to make a fire when everything appears to be soaked through. We had two cans of Big Franks (veggie hot dogs)  to roast so the fire was imperative!! I wouldn't have thought of using the bark from a standing old snag, but that's the driest wood around.

 Buster is a fire bug. We have to watch him constantly. For all his fears he doesn't seem to sense the fire's danger.... even to the last when we doused the fire with water he HAD to walk through the last of the dying embers.
 I remarked to Steve later that the twins took everything in stride. There was no fuss over being wet, or cold or dirty or anything. They just went along with the flow and memories were made.
A little drizzle makes for a few curls.

We ended the day by dusting off Steve's old guitar and singing the evening away at home.

By the way, the teeth brushing festival of Friday worked wonders. Buster brushed his teeth after supper last night before anyone told him to get his toothbrush out. The whole tooth brushing thing made a real impression on him. 

Missy has been happy and cooperative and enjoyable.We're looking forward to a happy day together.

A big, complicated week lies before us, including a two day trip to Children's hospital.... Our restful outing of yesterday is all we get until next Sabbath.

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