Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Can See Just Fine

I had a wonderful morning with the kiddos. We baked cookies, did some therapy, played some games, completed homework, and worked together. Both kids did very well with only a couple attitude adjustments in Missy's behalf. Buster seems sooooo easy going these days. It's quite amazing really, the only thing that sets him off is not getting to play Buzzy at the Airport on the computer as long as he wants, or not getting to play Buzzy at all because he's gotten hyper-focused on getting to play to the point of not wanting to eat supper, and of course,  the the other two things that make him whiny  are having to brush his teeth or having to go poop when he doesn't want to. Everything else has been going really, really well.

Today he lost his opportunity to play Buzzy -  probably forever!

I allowed him 30 minutes on the computer and when his time was up he started crying. I just calmly told him that if he chose to carry on he might lose Buzzy altogether. I sent him to his room to get over it. The wailing only increased by the minute and ratcheting up towards tantrum levels and eventually I went in to find he had broken his glasses all up. Hmmmm.... that seals it. No more Buzzy. In fact no more computer including watching Janice's Attic. It messes with his head.

I have no idea if the glasses are fixable. I'm not going to town for a few days and I am not making a special trip to find out, after all, I can see just fine. This was no accident. I'm thinking he's going to hate being so blind, but if new ones have to be made it will take a month and half to have them ordered and shipped and I would rather have new ones prescribed by Dr. Wylie, so it just might take longer than that. I'm so glad I can see just fine.

It just amazes me that most behaviors intended to cause me grief and show me what a horrible mother I am, and how mean I am and how unfair I am, etc... most often only hurt the one going out of their way to create the drama. Hey man, I'm 42 years old and I've never needed glasses. I certainly don't need yours. I can see just fine!

Missy is thrilled about her cookies. She's  finding joy in sharing them with everybody. Steve and I have been looking for ways for her to think outside of herself. Cooking with her in the past has been really, really scary!! She's a mess. Everything went into her mouth; hands, spoon, knife, not to mention all the slobber and constant runny nose that she smears across her face ALL the time. Her impulsiveness rendered her incapable of  following orders and keeping her tongue out of the bowl, but it's been quite a long time since we tried it - months actually. Well, I told her she could make cookies today  but she had to blow her nose and wash up really, really well and then the RULE was she could not touch her face or eat the dough -period. WOW! I was impressed. She obeyed to a Tee! The cookies are perfectly kosher even if I did gross you out a second ago.

I see progress. I see good things happening.  I'm learning. The twins are learning. I do have a puzzle to work out, though. There is an emerging behavior that is quite interesting. When told to go and do something Missy makes the move towards obedience. It's obvious that she is heading in the right direction, but then she turns and has something to say. Often it is nonsense, or stating the obvious, or making an observation, but it is most certainly delaying obedience. It's hard not to get trapped in the manipulation of the moment. Before I realize it I am answering and conversing with her! Somehow, some way I need to get across to her that this is not acceptable -- but first I have to catch myself and everyone else in the house needs to be aware...

Kids! they certainly keep you on your toes!!

P.S.  Can anyone tell me just when I am suppose to start feeling sorry for the little blind punk that lives in my house?? 'Cause at the moment I FEEL nothing.


:)De said...


La Tea Dah said...

Feelings are fickle. Stick with your good judgment --- you are doing just fine! There is nothing wrong with righteous indignation! You have the patience of a saint!

Praying for you...