Sunday, October 24, 2010

All the Way from Africa

We were sound asleep. My cell phone started ringing and my foggy brain tried to figure out what in the world?? Steve rolled over and said, "It's your mom."

"Yeah, right. What makes you think that?"

I reached for the phone and did not recognize the very long number and flipped it open.

It was my mom. All the way in Africa.

I had not spoken to her since she left in March.

She said she could do Skype now and I ran to turn it on..... but unfortunately we could not connect and so she called the cell again, but she ran out of minutes and we had barely said anything.


She'll be home in December. Dad said he bought her a plane ticket for December 14. He called me while he was waiting in the airport for his flight to Brazil.

Do you ever get to thinking that everybody else's life is so much more exciting than yours?   LOL!

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