Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Auditory Processing

Buster didn't do so well on the language test last week. He did much better than the first time she tested him, but not as well as she had expected. She discovered that his listening comprehension was poor, so this week he was tested for auditory processing. We don't have the results, but he didn't do so great.

I'm not surprised, really, but I am wondering how much of this "problem" is not being ABLE to process and how much of it is just not having been trained to LISTEN. He hears the beginning of everything said, but seldom stays with the speaker to the end. He rarely looks at a speaker, so he's missing visual cues. This is a biggie. I work with him about looking at people in the eye all the time.  If I ask him to repeat after me he won't wait until I am done the sentence to start repeating, and of course he's so busy talking he never hears the rest of what is being said. We have to remind him over and over to stop and listen, but anyone can see his mind is on to other things after the first half of the sentence.

I'm having a hard time believing it's truly an auditory processing disorder that we are dealing with. He is more auditory than visual or verbal.

As far as the language test goes, for what wasn't about comprehension, the facts are, he's missed out on so much, and just because he grasps concepts easily and learns what you present over night, it doesn't mean he grasped the related concepts that would normally come automatically together. Each and every concept MUST be taught and no assumptions made.

Sometimes it's overwhelming.


Kelly said...

Wow. This sounds alot like Nate. He does very well listening to a story and answering questions about the story. Where he has the problem is when I read a sentence and give him a choice of three words to go in the sentence he can't fill in the word. He can't even tell you what the sentence was or what it was about. oh, and there is NO connection between concepts. NONE. And he does not learn over night. Everything has to be taught and retaught over and over before he memorizes. He never gets the actual concept of things. He just memorizes the actual, single thing you are teaching him. It IS overwhelming.

He had all A's and B's on his report card the first 9 weeks and so far this nine weeks (3 weeks in) he has one B, one C and 2 D's. He is really struggling. The first nine weeks was review from Kindergarten but now they are doing new concepts. I have requested a conference with his teacher to request extra help.

:)De said...

Both of my little boys have Auditory Processing delays at different degrees. For them, they can only give back the last thing they heard. I think this has to do with not being spoken to in the 1st years of life so their receptive hearing has delays. Both have word retrieval difficulties...my kindergartener struggles more.

We also follow the rule of "eye" contact when being spoken to except instead of my eyes, they must watch my lips for word formation. He also uses a mirror so he can see his lips, teeth and tongue movements and match them to mine.

Keep working hard as I know you are. You have made so much progress in such a short time.
