Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We've been playing around with phonics the last couple of days.

I'm amazed and excited about teaching Buster to read. He's thrilled beyond words. He learned one sound for each of the 26 letters in an hour. The next day he still knew them and was happy to tell them to anyone who would listen. Today we mixed the alphabet up a bit and he still knows them. He's so eager it's hard to stop, but I don't want to overwhelm him. We'll do little bits at a time and hopefully keep that interest burning.

Little Missy, to her dismay, is no where near ready to learn to read. There's still too many blanks and she's missing most of the readiness signs. I'm okay with it. She's not. There's a silent competition going on about who is the best twin - or something of that nature. I told her we'll try again later, but that I want her to work on her artist skills. So then she wouldn't share the watercolors with Buster. :-/

Without a shadow of a doubt this girl child will have learning "differences".  We'll work with it. My older two girls struggled to learn to read well. One really learned to read after 6 weeks of vision therapy, at age 11, the other took years to really get it. My third child taught herself to read at the age of 4 ( and nothing has ever slowed her down since).

I expect Buster to crack the code fairly easily, but I don't know if he'll be able to maintain that same speed beyond cracking the code or if some learning challenges will show up about then. We'll see, I guess. By the way, he LOVES his glasses. He can hardly stand to let me have them long enough to clean them.


Dee said...

What a sweet time! Without a doubt, teaching my children to learn how to read was the best part of my homeschooling experience thus far! I'm sure if he's cracked the first sound code so quickly, that he will just continue to succeed, or at least, I pray he does!

Missy will come along in her own time, too! She's so funny with her attitudes. :)

Kelly said...

Wow. How very exciting!!!! I sooooo wish Nate could break the code. Huh. I am so discouraged and confused about Nate. I really hope we can get some answers soon.