Monday, September 27, 2010


Well, well.... all hopes of a fun productive day with the kids have been dashed to pieces as Missy threw a unexpected curve ball at me in the control department. I've tried everything. I've decided to bury myself in the laundry room for the next couple of hours and ignore her completely. It won't be hard to get lost in those piles....

The fining pot is for Silver, and the furnace for gold; but the Lord trieth the hearts. Proverbs 17:3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm! You are sounding less hopeful and more discouraged lately. Remember, you fight not against flesh and blood. This is not a personal war between you and two foes. Detach yourself in Christ, do right by them even if they let you down, and God will bless your efforts, in the long run. Oh, the looong run is soooo loooong. It doesn't matter, God will give you their souls--trophies to your persevering faith. Your dad. I'm praying with you.