Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Heart of the Matter

It's a weight on my thoughts. I've been studying and praying with this in mind...

How do we get to the heart of this little girl?

When you work with a child and they mess up, get mad, have an attitude, etc... there comes, if not before a consequence, at least during or afterwards, and sometimes with much prayer, a recognition of their mistake and sin. Usually, a parent can see repentance and a sorrow for the wrong committed. There is an apology made (and yes, you have to teach them how to do this), and maybe some tears and a heartfelt hug and a closeness between the parent and child.

This is generally the way it goes with Buster.

This is rare with Missy.

She holds a grudge. She must have the last word. If she can't have the actual last word, she will by her attitude and demeanor make you to understand that she holds that "last word" in her heart. She often holds herself aloof. Now if she wants something from you.... that's another story. "Oh, I love you mama!!" hugs and kisses ****

I pray for this kiddo. It makes it very hard to discipline her. She will be ugly for hours. For instance, if I ask her to be quiet when she's mouthing off, she will not shut her mouth... she will go on and on and on until she's screaming that "I obey NOW!"

I have read and re-read this statement trying to wrap my brain around what my part as a parent is to help bring her to TRUE REPENTENCE.

"We often sorrow because our evil deeds bring unpleasant  consequences to ourselves; but this is not repentance. Real sorrow for sin is the result of the working of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit reveals the ingratitude of the heart that has slighted and grieved the Savior, and brings us in contrition to the foot of the cross. By every sin Jesus is wounded afresh; and as we look upon Him whom we have pierced, we mourn for the sins that have brought anguish upon Him. Such mourning will lead to the renunciation of sin." Desire of Ages pg 300

Obviously, I cannot do the work of the Holy Spirit and I am glad I am not alone in working with this child. Somehow, though, I have to be able to present to her Jesus, His character and His sacrifice in a meaningful way. Her thoughts are so narrow and focused on herself.  She's so consumed with selfishness that there is little room for any other thought, almost to the exclusion of knowledge itself and love for others.

Sin is such a big problem : /


Anonymous said...

I haven't experienced this myself so I'm certainly no expert, but from our pre-adoption training and a lot of blogs from Moms of kids with RAD Missy sounds a lot like some of the kids that have this. The typical parenting techniques often don't work with these kids. Have you considered teaching out to anyone in the RAD community? Maybe it would help her healing and bring a little peace for you. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

I ENJOYED our talk. It has been far too long in coming! You are right.. sin is the culprit of the problem and all of OUR problems. If we fight every battle... not.."pick our battles" we will be in heaven with all of our little ones! I am so proud of you and what you are doing in your home. Remember; He will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you, my friend!

Trinie said...

By the way...the last comment was from my and not Garhett...the computer didn't recognize me, but him...funny! I am sure he would agree though!