It's been a rough night.
I'm still coughing to the point of wheezing and Brianna was coughing pretty hard, too. Hearing that Christina has a fever didn't help me sleep any better. My mind is whirling with all that we have to do to get ready for camping today.... but the body is not willing to cooperate. Today is the court case on the twins and for some reason I'm not getting any response from the social worker and wondering if it's because our email isn't working quite right...
So that said, I wasn't quite up to dealing with the demands of the twins right off this morning and after greeting them and asking them to use the bathroom I asked them to please play in their room to play for a bit until I'm ready for them. They both did not obey.
Both children came running downstairs to me as though it was as natural a thing to disobey as it is to eat and sleep. It floors me every time.
I was like, "Whoa! Wait a second. What did Mommy ask you to do?"
"Stay in our room".
They understand me. They know what they are suppose to do. How is it okay to just do the opposite and expect hugs and cuddles?
I don't get it.
I talked to them about trust. Again.
Sounds like we had similar mornings. Hoping both of our days take a turn for the better real soon.
Or maybe both!
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