Monday, July 5, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Our church is being remodeled so we are all attending a church in nearby town. 
Even though we are front row kind of people, the first week we sat in the very back pew. 
I like the front row. 
I can see better,
I can hear better and there is less to distract small children from the front. 
In the back pew I feel like an observer instead of a participant. 
So anyway, this first week at the bigger church we were in the back and when it came time for the children's story the twins practically ran up to to the front. 
I was keeping my eye on them when I suddenly noticed Little Guy chewing. 
I thought, "Wow!
How did someone manage to give him a piece of gum
in the time it took to get from me to the front?" 
He can't have gum or hard candy since he swallows it immediately
and he chokes on it, 
but here he was 
through the entire story.
When he came back to me I asked him where he got his gum.
He opened his mouth wide to reveal
There was no gum.
Only then did I look around and noticed nearly the entire
like a field of resting cattle chewing the cud.

He's done it every week since except for last week.
We've moved up closer to the front
and we no longer have a good view of the jaws...

Monkey see, monkey do!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

LOL! My mom never let me chew gum in church.