Thursday, July 29, 2010

Recording for a Purpose

I'm trying to figure a behavior out and seeing my brain is such a sieve I need to journal the happenings. I'm looking for a pattern. Incidentally, drinking water has not been an issue with Buster before this week. It's always been Missy's "THING". I decided early in the week that I would not be taking that nonsense from her anymore and have been very firm about it. She is doing 100 percent better, and he's decided to make it an issue.

Saturday 10 AM: Buster was playing on the beach throwing stones in the water just before it was time to leave for YD. He still needed to get dressed, use the restroom and drink some water. I called him to come drink after I had helped his sister with her water and hair. He knew it was his turn, but it angered him to be called away from play. He didn't want to hold the water bottle so I poured it in his mouth and he let it run down all over his clothes. I asked him to stop and tried again. He did it again. I let a little splash on his face to bring him to his senses.... it only enraged him and he went out of control running in circles and screaming. Steve took over and after a few minutes to calm down he handed him the bottle and asked him to drink. Buster turned the bottle upside down dumping it as fast as he could all the while screaming.  I checked out. Steve eventually got him to drink his water and he apologized.

Monday AM: I'm trying really, really hard to remember why he flew off the handle... but due to holes in my brain I'm minus the information. ... Will come back if I remember. I might have asked him to drink, or I might have asked him to go poop.

Tuesday Noon: Enjoyed a happy morning at the pool for swimming lessons and playing with Jared and Joyanna. Came home to make lunch. Having been in the sun for 2 + hours in our 100 degree weather, I figured it was time for everyone to have a drink. Problem was, Buster was poised to play airplanes with Jared and even though, I caught them before they started, it was just annoying to be interrupted and he exploded when handed a cup, screamed, wet his pants, and had to be removed from his unfortunate friends.... Used some cool down methods and he drank his water but had to play in his room alone for awhile.

Wednesday 5:45: The whole day was good. The kids had even had a nap so they wouldn't be too tired for VBS.  Just before leaving for VBS (which Missy had been attending, but Buster had not been able to keep himself together enough to go yet). I asked them to drink water. It's been HOT, HOT, HOT. I'm doing good to remember to ask them to drink about 4 times in a day... hoping they will choose to drink on their own in between (good luck!!!) Missy downed hers in a minute and Buster balked. We worked with him, prayed with him and he only grew more and more anxious and out of control until he threw the water barely missing Steve's head. I was 20 minutes late already, so I left without him.  Steve did get him to drink and he ended up at Prayer meeting instead of VBS. Bummer... where would you have rather been if you were 6? First thing he told me when we arrived home last night was, "Tomorrow I am going to drink my water and go to flight school (VBS theme) !"

Thursday: SO far, so good. He is really trying to keep it together to go to VBS tonight. I'm doing everything I can to help him, but simple necessary requests throw him for a tailspin and there's no predicting it.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I feel your pain. Nate goes off about the dumbest stuff and it drives me crazy.