Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Great Day

He learned to ride his bike without training wheels thanks to the persistence of  Christina. This is huge for Buster Brown!! Three months ago he had to learn how to ride it with training wheels and that was quite a feat.

The pants have been amazingly clean and dry today. I'm very excited. It hasn't been perfect, but I am not looking for perfection I am just looking for a willing spirit and effort in the right direction.One child wore no pants for a couple hours to remind him and then he earned them back and he is pant-less again as of a few minutes ago...  But that's it. Missy hasn't missed once.

I rearranged their room to make it more functional. It looks great since I delivered it of unnecessary toys.

Besides biking and playing with their pet chickens (no longer tiny chicks) the kids played play dough, colored, had a tea party and were generally able to entertain themselves without too much ado.

I best put them to bed before something happens.


GB's Mom said...

Sounds like a great day! Wishing you another one, hopefully tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

What a great picture! We become stronger through trials, eh? I am so happy for your success. We will pray it continues!!

stellarparenting.com said...

what a great accomplishment! x2