Friday, May 28, 2010

Can We Just Call it a Day Yet?

I know it's only three, but I'm wishing I could put the kids to bed for the night.

I could tell someone was praying for me this morning.I really could. I felt the presence of the Lord surrounding me and the twins.  The kids were okay, but on edge and it took quite a bit of TLC to get through our morning routine. I  did a lot of praying on my knees in front of the bathroom door and I  read my Bible aloud. The kiddos were actually  interested and found their Bibles, too. We got through the bathroom stuff without a major fit. I needed to run a few errands and they seemed to be doing fine, so buckled them up and left for town.

At the first store they had cute little grocery carts. The twins nearly had a fight over who could push it. I decided that Missy could and that Buster could push the one at the feed store. All went well at those two stores. Next on my list was the grocery store. Before getting out of the car I announced that it was my turn to push a cart. I had good reasons.

Buster exploded! It was an all out tantrum. I took off his shoes to minimize the damage he could do and then set him on the trunk where I could face him better and stood just out of his reach and tried to calm him down. People were very curious onlookers. Missy was doing her fair share of acting out, but not so bad so I left her buckled up.

In consequence ( they love shopping) we had to go home. I was the really disappointed one. I was starving and craving some treat food. I'm quite frankly tired of shakes with flax, etc...  :-) I feed everybody and sometimes I'm too busy to put something satisfying on a plate for me. Anyway, the only place I could treat myself without getting out of the car was Taco Bell. I ordered a single  burrito and told the kids that their behavior did not warrant anything fun. It wasn't exactly what I was craving. Oh, well.

So here's the fun part:

I look up to see the sign say 25mph and look down to see the speedometer say 35mph and look up again only to see a police whip around.
"OOOOOOOOOOh! no! I've been had."

I pull over. The twins see the lights and immediately hysteria begins. I'm being kicked from behind and deafened by the screaming.Did they think the police had been sent out to get them for being so bad in the parking lot?

Police asks, "What's this all about?" .  (We are shouting above the din). I Explain that we are adopting and foster kids are afraid of everything and hand him my license... ...

"um... that's your credit card."

He asks if I have a bottle of aspirin and I laughingly tell him I was trying to go to the grocery store but they started a tantrum in the parking lot so decided to go home instead.

He shakes his head and backs away from the car and says, "Have a good day - and watch your speed!"

I laughed the whole thirty minute drive home.

For the record - this is the third time I have been pulled over and I have yet to get a ticket, but this certainly is the best story of all.

We had a fit over what was being served for lunch. We are having a fit over having to go potty.... and it's only 3 pm.


GB's Mom said...

So glad you at least got Taco Bell and didn't get a ticket! I hope bedtime comes soon (I just put GB down). Still praying :)

momof4boys said...

That's not fun but very hilarious! Tell them the only time they are allowed to kick and scream is when you are pulled over for a ticket. LOL

Kelly said...

You are a saint. If you had gotten a ticket I would helped you pay for it. :) Hang in there only one more day. Bless you, sweet lady.

Karin said...

Oh my gosh...that is so funny! I don't envy the parking lot tantrum but glad they got you out of a speeding ticket. :)