Friday, May 28, 2010

Call Me Nuts

So after yesterday's shenanigans Little Miss could not go to sleep. She was playing around and being noisy and disturbing her brother. Finally at about 8:30 I asked her to go potty only to find her pull up already used up. Wow! If a nighttime pull-up is just an excuse to pee in your pants then I will remove the excuse. She piddled around in the bathroom drawing out the simplest tasks at a snail's pace even with me standing there asking her to get a move on and I decided she was in need of some serious exercise. Told her to get her shoes on and run to the lower barn.She can really run. I was faster on the uphill, she was faster on the downhill. Both of our shoes came untied at the same time. She stepped on mine and I stepped on hers and we both went down hard. No worse for wear. Made her run back and forth until the giggling stopped and she was calling out, "I tired, I tired!!!!!!"

"Tired enough to be quiet and go to sleep?"

She was practically begging me to let her go to bed. And then I shocked her with the announcement that she was going to bed without a pull-up and that when she needed to go potty to use the toilet not her bed. I did put a protection pad on the bed.

She was awake at 4:30 this am creaking around in her bed, so I took her to the bathroom. She was still dry. She did go back to sleep.

The exercise accomplished two things. She went right to sleep and I had the asthma attack of the year that kept me from sleeping. . .

2 comments: said...

I make the boys do laps aroud the house, it works and now just the threat works and I to took Fudges pull up away for the same reason.

Kelly said...

Exercise works miracles around here too! :)