Sunday, July 29, 2012


In case anyone is wondering why I'm not my usual chatty self.


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...


Oh my, oh my, oh my.

I think I can now clearly see what a SLACKER I am.

Sign me up for canning boot camp. I'll be there soon.

momof4boys said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mom!

Looks like a lot of work by yourself, but thanks! We will enjoy it this winter. I just got back from outreach. It was fun and interesting since I speak no Hungarian. We gave out flyers for the meeting and I stood there and smiled.

We are having a great time. I'm by far the youngest :-p But whatever... The kids are really nice! There are a couple of them that have been to Arusha.

Ms. Leasa says that when I come home I will be about 2 1/2 inches taller because She has really gotten after me about my back, so I'm doing my exercises again.. ;-)

Love you! Christina

My Strength and Song said...

Oh, Oh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WOW!!! Ouch! guess I won't be bloggin my splindly count of apricots! We do applesauce and peaches like that though. OH with blueberries coming in 10+ pound incremants we might come up with over fifty jars, but no babies or other kids to manouver over. How did you do it? Do you have one of those outdoor canners set up? Wanted to come help you though it's a bit of a drive and more things coming on here too. So glad you got that much done! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Sean Nebblett said...

You've been nominated for the Super Mom of the Year Award. Yep...