Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Is for Swimming

It must be the worst summer of the century,
but there are still moments when you think you need a swimming pool.

At least mom thinks it's a good distraction from the insanity going on
with his dearly beloved sister.

But, of course, you can't do anything with water alone...
at least not when you have waterfowl for pets.

It was all so exciting that even the ducks wanted to join the fun.
However, since they are pretty possessive of the pond the geese felt like,
fair is fair. Stick with your pond, 
the hose is ours!
But they loosened up on the rules after awhile.
Today was suppose to be a swimming play date.
Missy was going to continue her tirade, but I told her about the swimming appointment...
and she straightened up, just like that.
I now however must tell her it has been called off due to the thunder and rain.
oh, boy! I'm pretty discouraged with her.


Sean and Lisa said...

Anything to keep cool. LOL!

I'm sending you an email...
Much love!

Jennifer P said...

The first picture is fantastic.

Inga said...

Love, Love the photos. They are gorgeous!