Monday, July 11, 2011

One For You, Dear

When Steve got an iphone a couple months back he started reading my blog,
I'm not sure if I like.
It's really not good for end of the day conversations...
if you know what I mean.

Wife: "You'll never believe what happened today!"
Husband: "Well, I read your post."
Wife: "Oh. 
Never mind then."

End of conversation.

Okay so maybe it's not that bad.
And maybe he's learning a few things about me 
and our day
more than he would otherwise -
me being such a great conversationalist and all.
Like I probably would not have mentioned Missy's dishwashing escapade 
since that's just par for the course...
but he thought that was real cute of her.

I guess I'll let him read if he wants to
just so long as it doesn't come to this:

 The project of the day was tying and pruning the tomatoes.
My hands are permanently stained.
The tomatoes are ripening and we are enjoying the first fruits.

The kiddos and I were out a little late last night and Steve beat us home.
He thoughtfully turned down the sheets of the twins' beds
and it was an utter surprise to the both of them.
Such a little thing, but they noticed and appreciated the gesture.
Missy had something to say about it and Steve and I 
waited and 
waited and 
for her to put her heart into words.
Such a struggle to say something meaningful.
Nearly every emotion crossed her face in the effort.
She can parrot stuff.
She can communicate her desires and use the proper sentences we have taught her.
She certainly can say hasty, impatient things without much trouble!
She can ask questions by the bushel full, too
But when it comes to really saying what's on her heart
the words just don't come.
About broke our hearts to watch her last night. . .
She's come a million miles from saying "Hava hava!' when she wanted something just 16 months ago,
but she's still got such a long ways to go in this expression department.
It's enough to have the speech issues that comes with cleft palate.
May the Lord give us wisdom because I don't know how to help.


La Tea Dah said...

I love the comic! So true --- even with real life friends and extended family!

How nice of Steve to turn back the sheets. It's such a simple, but loving gesture. I enjoy it when my grown kids come home --- so I can turn the sheets back again. I miss the simple task when they are gone. I now have a daughter-by-marriage --- and she's learning that this is a "mom thing" too! LOL!

La Tea Dah said...

I hope Missy finds her authentic voice soon. She will in time, but I'm sure it is so frustrating to her in the meantime.