Friday, June 10, 2011

This and That

There's not a lot to write about.

The children are doing as well as can be expected with an average of one outburst a day. It's Friday, though, and tomorrow they don't want to be stuck to me like glue, they want to go to their own classes at church, so they will have self- control all day today. It's predictable. However, if they mess up they will go all the way crazy because they'll have blown it and that in itself will make them mad and there's nothing left to work towards. They don't get it. That's how they think and that is what I have to work with for now. Someday they will learn it is about love and not just love of self.

The pool opens Monday. This is the greatest incentive ever invented by man to behave like docile children. A single tantrum will ban them from the pool for 24 hours - says me. I hesitate to sign them up for lessons since I will have to pay for those and I will be the one that says they can't go if they are having trouble with self-control. The children next door have never come back to play since the tantrum in the garden.

I spoke to Christina the other day for 40 minutes. She was her usual vibrant self. She was preparing to give a health lecture at their evangelistic campaign, working along with a girl who speaks about as much English as Christina knows Swahili, creatively making cabbage turnovers and pizza on that wood stove with limited ingredients, and generally having a good time... it was good to talk with her.

Today is Vanessa's piano jury and her harp jury at the college. I know she will do very well, but praying for her anyway because that's a lot of stress for one day. She called me from the college yesterday all excited. "I'm happy!!! I'm so happy! I got an A in Spanish!!! and the teacher did not dock me for not attending class those three days when they were watching a movie because, she said, I was not attending on account of my convictions. I never told her anything of my convictions. She just knew somehow." The Lord really blesses that girl. It remains to be seen what her grade in history will be. She's worked as hard as she can and yet seems to still have time for housework and laundry and doing stuff for other people.

The garden is doing wonderfully. We are eating very well!! The Lord is growing that garden despite the weather.


La Tea Dah said...

Congratulations to Vanessa --- it sounds like she has really blessed those around her at college this year.

Cabbage rolls and pizza on a woodstove --- yummy, but a very hot task! It sounds like she is doing very well.

Praying for the twins today, that they will succeed in self-management and that you will all have a peaceful week-end. May the peace extend into next week as well.

And blessings to Mama --- fortunately God has promised strength for today.

Shonni said...

Love pools! Unfortunately, it is still cool here.

Kelly said...

I took my kids to swim yesterday and Jackson started to really go off before we went. He did not know we were going but I told him he REALLY should calm down or he WOULD be very sad after lunch. He got the message and changed it up quickly (so proud of him). While getting ready to go I told him he almost missed the privilege to swim by pitching a fit. Well, today I took them to the splash pad and Raleigh asked me if we were going to do something fun everyday. Jackson told him, "only if I am good". I laughed out loud and said, "Your behavior determines the fun YOU will have but not everyone else. We will have fun with or without you. If you are not good then you will sit and watch us have fun." He looked very disappointed to not have that power over everyone's fate and said, "Oh, I will be good everyday so I can have fun too." To which I replied, "Jackson, that will be great but I sure wish you would be good because you love us and respect your place as a member of our family and not just to get what you want."

Oh how I wish every single thing was not about him and what he can get.