Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pure Exhaustion

I'm tired.

Actually, make that exhausted.

I'm barely surviving the usual home duties.

Actually, I'm hardly doing them. What would I do if I didn't have the girls? Yikes. What will I do in July without the girls????

I drag myself to bed and I drag myself out of bed and I drag myself from one thing to the other all day and I can't wait till I can drag myself back to bed for another night of tossing and turning. At least the pain in my neck is slowly subsiding. The treatments do trigger migraines for sure, though. Tylenol or advil help me survive the headaches but  causes stomach problems. I started doing green drinks instead of regular food and the stomach is a little better today.

 I have to be packed and ready to leave for campmeeting at 11 this morning. We started on the food and made granola and muffins and bread and unsausage... but getting all the gardens ready for us to leave and keeping up with the tantrums and appointments is all that I could do so far. Steve has been home for two days and he's been working furiously on the watering system for the garden, but it won't be finished in time. He has a procedure at the hospital he is working this morning.

Steve pretty much took over the tantrums, too. James has responded positively to some very firm discipline - although he hasn't given up his nonsense completely. He cries every single time I ask him to do something.

James, please hang your coat, don't throw it on the chair. 


It's time for your shower, kiddo.

Booo hooo hoo hoo

Can you take this down to dad?

Boooo hooo hooo

Put your shoes on.

Booo hooo hooo hooo.

I think you have had more than enough to eat.

Boo hooo hooo hooo!!!

Ad nauseum.

And then a few minutes later he's sitting there and laughing and smiling and smirking like he has a secret joke and if you ask him what's so funny he always says, I dunno.

Missy's reaction to extra firm discipline is combativeness coupled with over-exaggerated compliance alternating. She wants what she wants - and she'll do almost anything to get it, except obey. It's akin to insanity.

I'm praying for God to teach me how to show them grace, how to present to them the gospel. Until they know Jesus and want His saving power in their lives not much is going to change. I'm reading a book on my kindle app on my iphone along these lines. I just don't have time enough to sit and read much. Looking forward to the drive to campmeeting, but I have a tendency to sleep in the car so might not get much reading done. Mary and her kids are coming with us, or rather, following us tomorrow with Vanessa. We rented a tent trailer, so some of us will be inside and some in tents outside.

I've been listening to different speakers on Audio Verse. I was attracted to one title, Optimizing Brain Wellness; How to promote emotional and neurologic healing, but I was sort of disappointed since he didn't really get into the topic like I thought he should. Some of it was good just not applicable....However, it did make me stop and remember that we have gotten off the track with the flax recently and I wonder if that might contribute to James emotional instability. The speaker was citing research studies done on inmates using Omega 3 and the powerful effects on the behavior.  Also, we ran out of the niacin capsules the twins were taking . . . could it be?

I have appreciated all the kind comments on my posts and the prayers that go up in our behalf. God bless each one of you.


La Tea Dah said...

I hope that you are able to get some much needed rest at campmeeting, Angela. You deserve a double-blessing! I'll continue to pray for you...

Jennifer P said...

Sounds a lot like a nutritional regimen I am considering. Have you seen She specifically understands kids with trauma and learning difficulties. I am plowing through the biology of behavior. Hope you get some time of rest and reflection at camp.

~marci~ said...

Pray for you, tho don't always have time to read all your posts.

Inga said...

Praying for your family. God Bless you.

Marty Walden said...

Take care of yourself. It is so hard parenting these kids to make yourself do what it takes to survive. Your health is so important. I've learned this the hard way and have suffered insomnia for the last 7 years and perpetual migraines. Sometimes, most of the times, it's okay not to do it all. Shoot, just getting some of it done deserves an award! You're doing a great job!