Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Got the Blessings I Needed

An entire day of happy kids, 
a little sunshine, 
some pain relief, 
a great babysitter, 
and time alone with my hubby. 

God is good.

Both kids were angels all day. When I went to town for my neck appointment Brianna baked gluten free muffins and cookies and pie with them all the while pretending with them that they were chefs, store keepers, delivery men, and restaurant owners.  They had a blast and it's good for them to have someone model this kind of play for them, and like I told James this morning this can only happen when they have cooperative spirits.  Bri also took them biking down the road,  read them a goodnight story, and put them to bed before I ever got home.  (I had to pick up Steve from work and we went out to eat together.) James' first words this morning: Mom we had FUN yesterday! Now they are trying to get their morning chores done lickity-split.

 Yesterday was the twins last day at the school for speech, ot and pt. I have to start thinking about the next school year and come up with a plan.  It seems crazy to even think of not using the one-on-one free services at the school, but I also don't know how much once a week is really doing for them. I'm really considering taking a break from speech at the hospital for the summer, too. Maybe I'm just tired of running around. When the kids are cooperative it's well worth the time, but if they aren't up to par and just won't learn, what's the point?

Today the clouds are high and supposedly we are headed towards a streak of better weather.

Oh, today I get a full 60 minute massage on my neck, shoulders and upper back!! Vanessa is going to watch the twins for me. Bri and I have similar neck troubles according to the x-rays. Only she has a giraffe's neck and mine is short. Hers is worse off than mine and mine should be easier to fix. Pain relief is in sight!!! Ca-Ching!! Yeah, well the Lord will take care of that, too....

2 comments: said...

enjoy the much needed and deserved quiet time

La Tea Dah said...

A summer free of running around sounds heavenly! I suspect the children will progress by leaps and bounds simply by being a part of your family. You deserve a break! Happy SUMMER!