Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh, Make that Tantrum Number 3

When I least expected it......


Yep! In the hospital waiting room because he didn't want to go to speech first.

They love speech. They would fight over who gets to go first except that I just usually send her in first, but I thought I would just let her sit quietly in the waiting room with me to give her more time to relax. I was never so surprised. I took him in the bathroom and tried to find out what the problem was. He would have NONE of it. I could tell he was digging in his heels for the long haul.... and considering my options I came to the conclusion I had only one. Putting my hand over his screeching mouth I marched him to the door as I left Missy with the speech gal and took the little unhinged fellow straight back home. I set him on a low stool in his room and asked Bri to keep an eye on him, while I raced back to beat the clock to the end of Missy's session.  I proceeded to hit every red light and get myself behind farm tractors and other slow and impeding traffic. Brianna said Little Boy Blue stopped the screeching almost immediately as I pulled out of the drive, but he was madder than mad and the best approach was for her to make her observations of him very scarce so as not to give him the desired attention.

It took me a few hours to get back home which was just long enough for him to give up his delusion.

Unfortunately, we missed his dentist appointment in the mayhem.

I have decided my teenage girls are either going to be awesome mothers someday or they will decide they will NEVER EVER have kids. Brianna handles things exactly as I think she should. Vanessa, too, but she isn't home as much and the other day when I left them with her to go to my massage she was tested big time... I was about to get instructions from the massage girl when my phone rang....

"James didn't like what I served for lunch so he said he was too full to eat anymore. I told him that was fine. He then asked for dessert, but I said no because if he was too full for lunch he was too full for dessert and he proceeded to vomit what he had eaten all down the hall carpet and all over the place on purpose."

Just the kind of relaxing message I needed right then. I told her to have him clean it up and I hung up. Not two minutes later she called again.

"Missy's screaming 'cause she pooped her pants!!"

LOL. Really, there's nothing else to do but laugh!! So much for relaxing.... actually, I went right to sleep. It's just the sad but true fact that life in our house is not nor may ever be again, "normal".

(If anybody cares to know, I have come to the conclusion that Missy can't help her bowel trials and it is just that  -a real trial. She has no feeling. She can't even tell if she's moved her bowels or not.  If I ask her if she has gone she either says no or doesn't know even when she has. We have come to the conclusion that I must be vigilant to have her sit three times a day. If I am hard on her at all about producing she has the possibility of  turning her bowels inside out and that is just not worth it. It's terrifying for her and possibly painful - though it's hard to tell because panic takes over.)

For those who ask... James was thoroughly tested for autism and Missy observed. They are not on the spectrum.


GB's Mom said...


Jennifer P said...

Oh my! You ARE in it for the long haul. Praying that life as you know it with the twins will become more manageable and pleasant as time goes by.

Kelly said...

Had to laugh about the statement that your girls will either be great moms or not have any kids. I feel the same way about my older kids. They are not always very patient. They were initially but they have had about all they can take.

Trinie said...

Wow! I just caught up on your blog! My prayers are with you dear friend! If this stinky weather would ever get warmer you could come and bring your darlings over for a swim. My twins are looking forward to your twins swimming with them this year. That would be a fun goal to reach for, eh? Bless you!

Mama in Uganda said...

Reminded today, concerning the behavior of my unsaved children...

"the flesh CANNOT conquer the flesh."

Until they are born again, there is only so much we can do:

1. Train.

2. Discipline.

3. Teach

4. Love.

5. Pray.
