Monday, June 20, 2011

Consumed With Christ

Was the theme of the campmeeting. Wish I could encapsulate the experience for you somehow. It was a real spiritual treat. We especially enjoyed Mark Finley's sermons. It was a good thing we rented the tent trailer as it was raining and cold. The weather didn't dampen the overall pleasure of the campmeeting.

The twins did exceptionally well. We had NOT one single tantrum for 4 whole days. I think the solution to our behavioral issues is to go on a perpetual vacation with the scene constantly changing.  Dream on... I know, but it was nice while it lasted. Missy has had a tantrum since we have come home when her requested toast did not instantly land on her plate this morning, but it only lasted 10 minutes.

I did not get a ton of sleep, but a change is as good as a rest, as they say, and having 4 days of peace was all it took to revitalize me. BUT then we came home and well, it's amazing how fast weeds grow!!! Apparently it was not raining and cold here, so everything grew noticeably.  I spent until 9 pm in the garden. We are blessed with fabulous little neighbor children. They did an awesome job of taking care of all the critters and watering things for us. I really have a ton to say about what we heard and learned at campmeeting, but I'm going to bed instead. Just had to drop by and say that we are all alive.


Mama in Uganda said...

Its so good to have you back!

Blessings and rest,

Kelly said...

Glad your back. Missed you.