Tuesday, June 14, 2011


It was bad. REALLY BAD.

So bad I don't even understand it and I don't know how to start so I won't.

Very discouraging to say the least.

I'm a wreck. I  think the tears must have been still visible when I got to the chiropractor for my neck treatment because he told me a bit of the story of a very, very hard time in his life and then he told me I needed to read the book that helped him to see the joy in life even when his mother was dying of cancer and his wife was divorcing him for no good reason. Of course, I know he is a Christian and the book is something along the lines of finding our joy in Christ despite pain. I'll see if I can find it.

Anyway, I'm off to go swimming with Vanessa and Brianna and two little people are going to sit on the bench and watch us.

And no, they didn't make it to speech today.


Kelly said...

What I want to know is how you get them to sit on that bench without raging while you are there. Really. Jackson would get up and run away. He would make sure that no one within a three mile radius of that pool had a good time. UGH.

I am so sorry about your day. Sounds like we had very similar days. I get it. Really I do. I so wish I didn't but unfortunately I do.

We can hope tomorrow is better. Right?

Unknown said...

I am so sorry and I pray that tomorrow will be a better day. My heart goes out to you as I "know" what you are going through. These kids are very lucky to have you and your family and one day they will realize it. Our theory on adopting is it takes 2 years to get through all the "stuff" with the kids and then things start to normalize.

La Tea Dah said...

I'm so sorry you've had such a tough day, Angela. I'm praying for you --- you have a difficult job. Even though it is very stressful and filled with tension, I think you are doing a terrific job! Do you have a weekly break time? Could you get away with signing up for a quilting or ceramics class in town one night a week? You shouldn't feel guilty if you do! Everyone needs relief now and then.

Jennifer P said...

Are the stars aligned or is there a full moon lurking? We had a full blown tantrum here yesterday, the likes of have not been seen in over 2 years. I am sorry for the hard day. Chin up and praying that you find joy in the journey.

Mama in Uganda said...

Do not loose hope.

I have been in your shoes, many a time.

Email me.

Let me know how I can pray.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could help you in some way - if I had money and you had good babysitters or if it was even reasonable I would buy you a plane ticket and let you come visit for a while, especially now that Christina is here. Or maybe you should send the twins here?! Memere has tons for them to do - I'm just not sure she'd get much done. :) I do trust that the Lord will give you new strength and courage for this new day. One evidence that He is working in our lives is the fact that He renews hope in us day after day.... and after many days you will reap with tears of joy and thanksgiving just like you're sowing with tears right now. xx Antionette

stellarparenting.com said...

hang in there, it gets better, really it does, there will be more good days in a row and then bad ones will not be as hard.

Isabella and Dorinda said...

Angela, I am always keeping your wonderful family in my prayers. I can imagine what you are going through because I am a "Missy". I never had God driven parents to guide me in the right path. I do believe things would have been easier (maybe). Reading your blog, does give me an understanding (about myself) that I didn't have. Keep up the good fight. I know that God, loving parents, ROUTINE (even when fought at every turn), and quiet time will change these children's lives. It did for me put I was the one to put all of these things into place. God Bless and Praying. "Isabella"