Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tis the Season for Blessed Christmas Music!!

We were headed to town. A quarter of a mile from the house I pulled the car as close to the mailbox as possible without taking the mirror off the suburban and rolled down the window, Christina reached her hand out and ..... YES! a package! It was absolutely the perfect size to contain something exciting, something the size of a CD. We aren't exactly in the habit of opening other people's mail and there was no one in the car by the name Vanessa but that was one package opened tout de suite! She'd been anticipating this anyway. We'd meet her with music floating through the windows.

Music does strange things to me. By the time we reached town I was a blubbering mess. We had places to go and people to meet... and I could hardly speak.

Such beautiful, worshipful music.... and a gift from the talented, kind-hearted friends (friends made in bloggy sphere - and Vanessa's involvement in GYC).  Can't wait to actually meet some day. Not that we haven't known WHO they are for years... my kids grew up on Janice's Attic, after all. :-) We have crossed paths here and there,  but the next time our journeys intersect we'll meet as friends. We have nearly worn out their first CD. Literally.

The only CD that made the cut for this long trip into the far North of Canada is called:  I Cannot Tell. We tried to put something else in the player a couple of times, but that didn't last long. Many, many thanks to the Nebblett Family for sharing the gifts God has so abundantly blessed you with and for uplifting our hearts toward heaven.

Thanks for the CD!

PS. It's a balmy 55 degrees in this place that is suppose to be in perpetual winter. What a nice treat.


Sean Nebblett said...

You're so welcome! I read your kind words at breakfast this morning, and they blessed us all. :) Gifts aren't gifts until they are shared. And guess what? We can't wait to meet as friends either. ;)

Melissa said...

Oh, I love their music. I have one of their CD's. The girls did sign language to one of their songs on a Mother's day. The songs really speak to the heart!

Praying for you! Hope you are doing well and that your migraine is lessening. ((hugs))

Emily said...

I am so looking forward to listening to the CD! The Nebbletts' music is such a special blessing. :)