Monday, November 7, 2011

10 Day Reboot Update

Today is day 7 of my fresh squeezed vegetable/fruit juice, raw salad reboot. I feel good. Very good, actually. I have moments of real hunger  and I drink my juice sooner than I would have planned.  While I don't mind cooking, I have a bit of a struggle when I am serving guests and a sit down family meals. Savory, hot dishes are sooooo tempting. I only cook healthy food, so I can't even argue that it's bad for me.  My psoriasis is calming down. There are no open, or raw patches on my neck and scalp, but I am still itchy and can still simulate a snowstorm on demand - (and I like to wear black :-(  I haven't had a headache in a week. My energy is good. My chiropractor is not happy about this program because he wants to push for more protein while doing therapy and building new tissue - but hey, it's only ten days. I'm thinking of staying off gluten for awhile after the ten days.... I don't know yet.

Three days to go.


Cherub Mamma said...

Saw the comment you left on my blog. (I'm no "amazing" mom -- but thank you!!) :)

Anyway...small world...I have psoriasis too. I've also been blessed (cough cough) with psoriatic arthritis.

Anonymous said...

I have a good friend that got migraines often. She went gluten free and has not had one since. Don't know if there is a scientific connection but perhaps it is worth a try. Don't you already service at least one GF diet in your home anyway? Kristy