Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Disobeying a Total Stranger

I'm glad to report that the twins are more settled. The days are going a little easier, though they got in big trouble yesterday. - By someone other than me, for once. I had sent the kids out to play in the sunshine. Told them to stay on the South side of the house and to stay away from the concrete operation.

Well, as you can imagine that only lasted so long. I got a knock on the front door by a  frustrated concrete guy. He says, "I asked them to stay out of the concrete, I asked them not to touch the tools and every time I turn my back I hear the tools being moved around and that little girl has been up to her ankles in my mix. I can't get my work done and watch them, too!"

I looked around and there's Missy red faced and tongue hanging sitting by his tools. James is no where to be seen. I call out to him and he doesn't answer. The guy says, he's hiding behind my truck.

I apologized and the both of them were sent to their rooms. James wouldn't admit to anything. Missy knew she was caught red handed.

The guy felt bad later and helped them make their hand prints in the corner of the sidewalk.He had nothing to feel bad about... the little turkeys got what they asked for.

Day two of reboot. Vanessa has joined me. I feel great today. They were serving food last night at the English school and it sure smelled good, but wasn't what I would have loved to eat, so that was okay. I think my greenhouse may have froze a little too hard last night? I'm hoping the tender greens were fine with it, but not sure yet. I lost an impressive amount of water weight yesterday.

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