Thursday, April 21, 2011


I don't know this little girl.


But I certainly do like the new kid that moved in and stayed all day!!

Why, she even used the bathroom on her own several times without being asked, played sweetly and shared with James, offered to help with tasks, and she didn't go to pieces over being told not to do something.

She did remind me a million and half times that she's been a good girl all day.

She did hear a lot of words of appreciation, and thanks, and affirmation from everyone in the house... not syrupy stuff, just normal kind words of thanks that she doesn't usually earn.

She brought out the Bible story book and wanted to go over the story of the boy who said he would do what his father asked but didn't and his brother who said he would not work for his dad but did. Somehow that story made an impression.

Flipping through the book she came across a picture of Jesus in heaven ... she traced his face with her finger and said simply, "Mama, I want to be like Jesus".

I let James have a toast earlier today and his belly is as hard as a rock. I thought it strange that he didn't have much appetite at supper. I'd forgotten about the toast.  I keep thinking that he will eventually be able to go back eating bread, but obviously not yet.

1 comment:

GB's Mom said...

Truly worth celebrating :)