Thursday, April 21, 2011

A blast From the PAST

All those times I couldn't post pictures of the twins were so frustrating!! Now I'm going to show you pictures from the past.

Here are the twins referral pictures. The pictures I carried around in my Bible... They were 5,  four months shy of 6 years old that October '09. We first saw these pictures in December. We received the referral in January.
In February 2010 we met the twins for the 1st time. Note the puffy faces and dull, medicated eyes.
We recognized James had a lot of fear.
Next is our second visit on their 6th birthday. We took them to the park. They couldn't run properly and needed a steady hand and encouragement on the playground equipment. Their coordination was very poor.

This was the typical expression.
So happy for one on one attention.

A week later the children visited our place over night.
A week after that they moved in.
 A very new life off of medications, beginning potty training, discipline on a new level, and a whole new diet along with a family to call their own began.

Just a few short months later their looks changed drastically:

And there you have it. The metamorphosis of a foster child.


Mama in Uganda said...

We have a God who transforms!

Thank you so much for sharing.

Blessings and prauers,
Summer said...

they are truly different kids.

La Tea Dah said...

What a marked change! It's so nice to be able to see pictures now. Please don't get tired of sharing! :D They are beautiful children, especially since you have helped them become healthy and alive!