Monday, April 11, 2011


I woke up not *feeling* like dealing with unhappy kids... It's a dread deep in my bones that somehow tells me what kind of day we might have.  I took some time to ask the Lord for wisdom to help me with the trials otherwise known as kids.

I have a little Miss demanding a cup of water from me (ain't that a switch!). I told her to get it herself and the wailing and carrying-on ensued. She told me she couldn't because she is "all the way over there!" and I told her that I was "all the way over here" and that she could pick herself up and walk. I finally went all the way over there and made her get off her duff.

Yesterday was similar. I put the both of them to work. While the girls and I dug in the garden, Missy and James took their little shovels and carted the compost pile, bit by bit in their buckets to the new tomato patch. It took them a few hours, but they did it.

Okay.... so water has been drunk.... now for the time-to-g0-to-the-bathroom song and dance.... I think I'll go mow the lawn.

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