Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Miserable Mess

That would be a certain little girl that lives at my house.

We're toe-to-toe on this obedience issue.

Neither one of us will back down.

I was hoping to start off on a good foot this morning. I thought if I invited the twins to go for a nice little walk in the sunshine this morning it would do something for Missy's outlook on life. Unfortunately, she has a way of sabotaging stuff like this and being extra slow to get ready. For the first time, I caught her dumping the cup of water I gave her out behind my back. I set her on the bench to drink her water and James and I went for a walk.

A few rounds later I sent Christina out to jump on the trampoline with her. Oh, did I mention within hours of the kids no longer being foster kids that the trampoline was back up!! They love it. IT's really good for them. I'm hoping Missy's attitude will be different when she comes back in, but I'm not counting on it.

1 comment:

GB's Mom said...

I am hoping with you. {{{Hugs}}}