Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One of THOSE Posts.... {You Know, TMI!}

I'm doing the best I can figure out how, 
but if could get a hold of a magic wand I certainly know what I would use it for. 

Just kidding....

I wish.

This pooping the pants bit has been hard.

I know she has a bowel problem, but she also is not cooperating much in this regard.
We're dealing with some sort of mental block or something.

I've tried a number of different things.
During the summer I reminded her and made her go poop about 5 to 7 times a day.
I know! Crazy. My mom says, 
"I don't know how she can go poop on demand!
I don't know anybody else who can do that!!"

Well, most people go when they need to go and they empty out.
Not this little Miss.
She goes mostly only when I tell her to,
and only stays long enough to produce what she can in 3 seconds flat.
I also sent her when I saw certain signs.
It wasn't usually random.
Picking at her pants was sign number 1, 
but there were several other signs to remain high on alert for.

This fall I decided that although we were not messing the pants often,
it was not solving the mental block issues,
or teaching her to be responsible for herself,
or helping her to experience the great feeling of having gone fully and emptying out,
so I changed tactics.

In the morning after her water and all that, 
I won't let her off the throne until I have decided she has done the job.
Easier said than done.

Like yesterday, 
She begged and pleaded and whined and cajoled Steve to let her off...
she knew better than to do that to me.
I went in there and declared that she had not done her job well enough and if she just couldn't there was always miralax to resort to...
Oooooh! The hated miralax. No thank you!!
Two minutes later she had done the job and Steve and I were congratulating each other for having stuck it out. Mind you, she had already pooped her pants, so it was a real dicey situation where you have to guess at what is an appropriate expectation....
Believe me, she exceeded my expectation,
but DON"T tell her that!!!
I don't want to be unreasonable.
I also don't want her to get mad and push her bowels out as she has done a few times.
It's so HARD to be the judge!!
She still pooped her pants last night.
Yes, we get a lot of fiber since we are still pretty much eating straight out of the garden plus some beans, so it isn't abnormal to need to go twice in a day,
but I don't want to ask her to go at night and then expect a full job in the morning.
I'm trying so hard to be reasonable in this unreasonable situation!!!

And like this morning,
She sat and sat and sat and did a little and declared she just couldn't, etc...
Finally I let her off the toilet but not off the hook.
I sent her down to the barn on the run three times in the pouring rain.
I thought maybe she needed to move around a bit,
and maybe relax 
or something.
And I put her back on.
She teased and tried to get off,
but I would not let her
and suddenly she did the job.
Was it really the exercise, or was it she finally saw that I wouldn't be pushed and she was tired of sitting there?

That's the way it is.
CONSTANTLY second guessing my expectations and her motives.
CONSTANTLY being put in the position of judging the impossible.
If we were just working with a physical condition it would not be half as frustrating
but no, this is very much a mental issue as well.

Last night when she pooped in her pants while standing watching us work on the porch,
Steve and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.
What does this do for her?
It really is hard to wrap the brain around this.
She has at times been good about going on her own - but usually with a threat hanging over her head.
I seem to have no other alternative but to keep plodding along,
keep trying,
keep guessing,
keep making judgements,
and keep praying that some day this will all click in her head.


Mama in Uganda said...

Yes, I too had a day like this today.

With a child who refused to do exactly what I asked. He would do it, but always just a little wrong. This went on for hours...

Then, he got tired. And voila, he did it perfect over and over.

All I could do was shake my head and wonder why--stubborn and strong-willed.

Hang in there.

Blessings and joy,

Anonymous said...

How did I ever ever ever come across this post????? This is my day EVERYDAY with our Ds who is 6! He has severe ADHD and is trained in urine and does take Mirlax daily but with formed stools..we cant wean him becasue then he gets stopped up! We are vegetarians so yeah washing out poopy drwers 4 times a day is much. We ask him and enforce him to sit maybe 6-8 times a day. So 5-6 for u isn't too

Like you if he has had an "accident" how are we to know when he is empty? Today he had 3 small accidents within 4 hrs, but also produced large BM on DEMAND with ultimatums.

It is so awful. I feel our whole day revolves around this. Is it he really doesn't know or just defiant or distracted? Like you we have said other kids will say things. Now he has taken to saying "oh I passed gas" He lies about it,and is verbally and physically aggressive when asked to use the toilet.

Honestly if this issue went away..with a magic think I could work a full time job there would be so much time left over...

Like you we second guess...we try to lay off...we try consequences..we try just cleaning him up..try him cleaning out underwear...nothing has helped..his 3 yr old sister is fully taines..and sadly i am sure the 1 yr old will be before him too..

He does not mind the Mirlax..warmed up in AJ it's undetectable