Sunday, May 22, 2011

Calling Africa

I finally managed to get a PinZoo card and called Christina this morning. They can't connect to the internet anywhere on the property for some reason, thus the silence. Talking to her on the phone was reassuring. Everything is fine. The kids are doing well.

Christina has been cooking with another little girl, Joya. She's learning to bake her bread in a wood cook stove.  When all goes wrong, she said, then she ends up using the little propane stove, but she's learning. I asked if they were eating a lot of beans and rice and she said no. She's cooking and if she makes the same thing twice memere complains, :-)  so they've been having as much variety as they can come up with.... which as we know would be spaghetti, potatoes, rice, beans, and corn meal. She said there isn't much fruit but they do have some.

Christina said that so far, Metu and Debora, and Christina are the only three of the kids that she knew from the last time that she has connected with. Metu didn't remember her, but he warmed up real quick and is as naughty as they come.  Barasa and Miriam had a baby girl 2 weeks ago and Justin, the guy who was just going to pay his labola for a wife when we were there now has a baby girl.

Hopefully the winds will blow the right direction soon and we'll be able to connect on the internet eventually. I don't mind letting my kids go places, but certainly like it a lot better if I can connect somehow and keep updated. I sleep better at night.


For those who care.... Missy is a control freak this morning. She's not allowed more than a foot away from me. It started with me having to put the clamps on her for trying to dominate big, kind Uncle Bob's attention to the point of seriously annoying. She went so far as to pee her pants to be noticed. . . She is fighting for autonomy, but unfortunately she isn't self-governing and is only bent on self-destruction in her current course.  She's lying in an attempt to manipulate  A LOT. She's also cheating on her requirements and cannot be trust to so much as wash her hands or brush her teeth without being watched.  The Uncle Bob and family  left to go home, and the kids were invited to a little birthday party today, but I'm not sure that she can handle it. I'm not very inclined to go. I'll have to see a drastic change of direction and it can't be fake...

1 comment:

Jennifer P said...

I get that connection piece. No news is good news but as some point we like to know that all is well. Never heard of Pinzoo. My daughter is off to Ireland this week so hoping I will hear that she at least arrived safely. A little different from Africa to be sure but still across the sea. Let us know what you decided about the party. Some days are like that.