Monday, May 23, 2011

By Beholding

Yesterday was not so good for both kiddos. We did not make it to the party.

It was the resulting hang-over from a fun weekend having company.

This morning Missy is having a huge tantrum in the bathroom. I refuse to participate in that. I had a prayer with the other kids asking God to help us endure.... I asked Him for wisdom. I could go in there and threaten with a consequence and give her the negative attention she is seeking... and eventually put an end to the tantrum but it would not put an end to the over -all attitude. OR I could let her scream it out and possibly eventually she would see the folly of her actions and notice that it won't get her what she wants. At this moment I have nothing to say to her. I've said it all a million times before, so I'll pray in this other room and wait and outlast. The issue that created the tantrum is a moote point. I'm not even sure I know what it really was. She is after control.

In my quiet time this morning I was contemplating how By Beholding We Become Changed. I'm wondering if I need to up the amount of time I spend beholding Jesus to counteract the amount of sin I am beholding at this time!! Seriously.... I do think it effects me and my reactions and outlook. I'm finding my patience at a low ebb.

I choose to look up.  
I read a verse in Jeremiah that I thought was interesting:

If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, 
how can you contend with horses? 
And if in the land of peace, 
wherein you trusted, 
they wearied thee, 
then how will you do in the swelling of the Jordan? 
Jeremiah 12:5

If the trials of this relatively easy life upset and weary me, how do I ever expect to have the strength and the courage necessary for greater trial and severe testing of my faith?

It brings me to my knees and I pray,
"Lord, teach me to run with the horses."


Mama in Uganda said...

I love that verse in Jeremiah.

The Lord has used it to strengthen, and comfort me, on many occasions.

How crucial it is for us to stay in the Word.

Praying for you, and for Missy.


Karen said...

Oh... I am with you!! Great scripture.. thanks for sharing. I am ready for this trial of life to be over..praying that it makes me stonger. We are both fighting against the same thing control... makes for a LONG day!

Find Joy~

Jennifer P said...

How easy it is to get caught in the snare of other's sin, to succumb to the energy flow in the wrong direction.

Looking up with you.


Oldqueen44 said...

I was amazed with that verse the first time I read it also. I am glad to have the reminder right now. I needed it.