Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You've Come a Long Way, Boy!

 He shed a tear or two
at first.

Someone tattled on Buster. He'd been seen not being nice to the cat.
He's not a mean kid, so I'm not even sure the cat knew that someone was not being nice to her,
but it's the principle of the thing. 
Everyone deserves respect, 
even the cat, 
whether she knows it or not.

We talked and then the timer was set for a little chair time.

He spent the majority of the time in the chair happily singing
Jesus is All the World to Me.

You have come a LONG ways Boy!!

Remember the days when a time-out evoked
anger, rage, hateful words, screaming, kicking and hours and hours of temper tantrums? 

I let him off early.
There was no attitude to deal with.
He promised to be nice to ALL animals from now on.


Jenny said...

Praise God!!! What progress!! I am so happy for you!!

Kelly said...

This puts a smile on my face. :) A big teeth showing smile!!!

GB's Mom said...

You must feel wonderful!

stellarparenting.com said...

so great to hear!