Friday, August 13, 2010

Full Discloser Day

Kind of a let-down.

Drive 2.5 hours to get to read the file and then only have 1.5 hours to read 3 FULL file boxes. Needless to say we only only got through a few hundred pages.

My vision of what happened is fleshed out only a tad.  Will wait for the redacted copy to read at home.

My sister and her kids are here from the YUKON. Lots of excitement around here.  Going to feed the gang.


Kelly said...

What a bummer.

Love the new header pic. Very cute. said...

sometimes I find it is easier to digest it in small bits, even though it was a long drive. I found the reading my childrens files over again once they were my kids and I loved them was really, really hard for me.