Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Milestone

Warning! TMI
But in light of 3/4 of the content of this blog, it's mild and must be announced!!!

We are celebrating the fact that Little Missy went and did her job all by herself 
this morning and took care of it all!  
No reminders, no promptings, nothing. 
She felt the urge and she went.


That's a first.

There's something about having a houseful of cousins for the last two weeks that has made her decide to grow up a little. It's great.

The significance of her big accomplishment was not lost on twin brother who prayed at the close of worship:

Dear Father in heaven, 
Thank you for the special day that Missy went poop all by herself and nobody told her to. 
In Jesus name, 

Note to Self:  Don't expect twin brother to follow his sister's example very soon.


Dee said...

Oh Praise the Lord! That prayer was just too precious! too precious!

You are doing a wonderful job! God is really giving you wisdom for how to handle those situations and how to be patient with them. I have been silently following and cheering you on from afar, but that prayer just made me have to post today! I expect from this moment on they will both be celebrating many milestones and firsts!!! In Jesus, of course! :)

Many Blessings!!!

GB's Mom said...

What a wonderful prayer!

:)De said...

That is GREAT! Her accomplishment as well as his prayer!

Cari said...

Thank you for the encouragement that you left on my blog today. It really blessed me to read it and give me just a little more strength to continue putting one foot in front of the other. It can be difficult sometimes, because most people just don't know what it's like going through older child adoptions. It is so hard many days, but I do believe we will experience an abundance of joy in the long run. We can't give up on them. said...

yeah for great choices and yeah for thoghtful brothers.